SYNERGISM Develop, present, defend, and pilot synergistic ideas for the future of your team.
Leadership on the Synergistic Team Leadership on a synergistic team involves radical empowerment enabled by mutual regeneration. Simply follow the principles of synergism wherever they lead you. Leadership is freely shared on a synergistic team. Everyone provides insight from their life's experience and abilities. Leaders think as hard about the people as they do about the work. They think about aiding others on the team more than thinking about themselves. Leaders know their need of mutual regeneration. When you are walking together, the leader has less to do. Everybody sees where they are going. They�ll be like a flock of birds with many eyes to spot food and danger. Don't forget to make disciples! The Leader Establishes Wisdom in These Areas purpose doctrine character gifts teaching for results choosing the good part managing imaginary scenarios unmasking flattery understanding interaction metrics demolishing sophistries reading the factions gauging interactions and empowerment leading by reference heeding alarm systems discipleship Here's more: