SYNERGISM Develop, present, defend, and pilot synergistic ideas for the future of your team.
A strategy of innovation relies on synergism. Innovation power can be measured. The metrics are a little unique, that�s all. Don�t you expect that? Here are some ideas for an innovation dashboard. Each metric is keyed to one of the principles of innovation. The relative importance of the metrics will vary according to whether your idea pertains to your own work, someone else's job, or a new area. Try the metrics out on your favorite innovative thought. Under "score," enter a (+) or a (-), depending upon whether you are doing well or poorly against the metric, then compute the sum to see how well you are doing overall and to see where you need to change your thinking. A negative total score indicates your idea is in trouble, a positive one, you are moving ahead. Print the page before you leave - we're not keeping your ideas.